To whomever this may concern.
I was planning to release the "No God" video and single a few weeks ago. Well, that didn't happen. And I just realised that while everything makes perfect sense to me, most, if not all of you, are totally clueless and probably a bit confused about the situation.
Let me fill you in on it. I owe you that.
So.. pretty much a month back, Grete (video director) and I had pretty much most of the video complete and I had just released the "No God" single and video teaser. We were trying to come up with a suitable release date in June and making preparations for a small release party, when Grete's iMac decided it had had enough of her diabolic graphics and it will take no more.
It shot itself in the face.
Thanks to Apple being such an amazing and special and super-secret magical operation where each computer is carefully crafted by albino gnome-fairies that dwell in a unicorns... (I kept going with this thought until I became scared of myself.. I'll spare you guys and skip it) well.. you get the picture. Anyway - we ended up waiting ten days for Apple to diagnose that the iMac had in fact shot itself in the face and that the face was THUS in fact out of order and needed IN FACT to be replaced... and then we waited some more for them to send the iMac a new face (LCD panel) and pay half the machines price for the whole CONVENIENCE...
Well. After all that, Grete was pretty close to following the lead of her iMac, since we had already passed the possible release dates and the video was still unfinished. I decided that I'd rather have the video look perfect than release it prematurely just to have it out earlier. No compromise. I mean - if it's not what we want it to be - then it's not Evestus. Better release it late than half-assed.
And then there is Alt-Fest and networking around Europe to get this band on the road and preparing for summer Festivals and still mixing the new material for autumn release..
So we are taking it real easy with the video - but it's starting to look the way it should.
In a way it all makes sense (doesn't it..) the whole "No God" period was the most difficult and challenging time for me and feels like it doesn't want to let me go, but I want to get the fuck out of that hole once and for good!
The good news is, that the "No God" digital single has turned into a 9 track release - with only half of the tracks being remixes! It's going to be one of those "Because fuck you that's why" releases. And you'll either love it or hate it. But that's Evestus. Always has been. Fucking random, overdue and not quite what you expected. I honestly didn't think that I could keep that up - I thought after the "No God" EP that I had done everything and all that follows will be more of the same..
but I guess I just needed some time and a reason.
Thank you for sticking with us!